Monday, November 12, 2012


1. How does the tool relate to the topic of the week?

The topic of the week was E-learning and the tool that was introduced was MindMeister. This tool relates to E-learning in many ways. MindMeister allows users to create mind maps via computer or the web. If you purchase the premium subscription you can create mind maps offline, but the version that we were introduced to only allowed online mapping. Once a map is created users can share them with either specific people or everyone online. Once shared the maps can be edited by other people and then you can view the changes that others have made. This creates a great learning experience for people. For instance, if someone didn't know a specific topic very well, then others could edit their map and knowledge would be shared. This allows people to experience a new kind of learning. This learning would be E-learning.

2. What function does the tool serve?

MindMeister serves as a way people can collaborate on certain topics more easily. MindMeister allows for easy sharing of mind maps with others. Once the maps are shared the collaborating can begin. The maps can then be edited by everyone who it is shared with. Mindmesiter makes sharing ideas and reviewing other's ideas a lot easier and convenient. MindMeister also allows people to organize their thoughts more effectively. Instead of writing everything down on a piece of paper, MindMeister keeps everything organized in a paperless way. People can make their mind maps as elaborate as they like. Almost anything can be mapped on MindMeister. Things like school notes, weekly schedules, and daily tasks are among my three favorite.

3. What did you find most interesting about the tool?

What I find most interesting about MindMeister is how it allows the sharing of mind maps. These maps can be shared either publicly or with specific people. I only shared my maps with people I knew and it was really cool. When people would edit my maps it would show up in real time on my computer. So as they were making the changes, I could see exactly what they were doing. Also, something that I found very interesting about the tool is how easy it is to use. There are only a few controls involved in MindMeister, but they sure are effective.

4. What did you find most challenging about the tool?

This was the first tool that we were introduced to that I had no challenges with. MindMeister was a very simple, but extremely effective tool. It was very easy to create the mind maps on MindMeister. To add a new idea all you had to do was double click on the screen and move it to where you wanted. You could then edit the font and style of the map to your liking. MindMeister also allowed users to add photos to their maps. This to was very easy to do. Adding photos on MindMesiter was very similar to adding photos on Face Book.

5. Does the tool improve of complicate communication?

I believe that MindMeister improves communication greatly. MindMeister's ease of use allows users to share their maps easily with others. The users then communicate via map changes and chat to get the best and most detailed maps they can. Even if MindMeister is used offline it still improves communication between the individual using it. It allows the user to communicate with himself more effectively. MindMeister is also great for group mapping. If it is difficult for all members of the group to get together and create a map of something, then MindMeister allows the group to do this more easily. Also, if group members live in different areas, then MindMeister will allow them to collaborate on ideas more effectively.

6. What is your critique of your experience?

Overall I thought that MindMeister is a great tool that serves its purpose magnificently. It doesn't try and complicate things by adding too many features. MindMeister is a very simple tool that allows people from all over the world to collaborate on topics. I will definitely be using MindMeister on a weekly basis from now on. I have used it to create maps of my daily schedule, weekly schedule, and outlines for papers. I am even considering buying a premium subscription to MindMesiter because it is so effective.


  1. I thought an interesting function of MindMeister was the sharing of maps too. It reminded me of Google Docs where everyone could be in there at once and edit the document. MindMeister would be a great way to start a project as it could be used as more of an outline form or for graphs in a presentation. I also liked that there were few controls, but they were very effective as it seemed everyone liked using this tool and had barely any questions.

  2. I agree MindMeister was incredibly easy to use and I can see a lot of use for it. It would be extremely helpful with group projects I think and papers because you can create quick and easy outlines of what you want the project or paper to include. I really liked the tool and I think its a shame you have to pay for the upgraded versions because I would probably use it more often if I did not have to pay for it

  3. I think I will probably be using mindmeister as well because it was so easy to use and it was really straight forward. I really liked how the makers of Mindmeister didn't complicate the tool by adding a bunch of different editing options. This was one of the tools that I saw as having a real impact or a real use while the others seemed like you could just use the tool if you wanted to.
